Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Brinkley’s First Christmas- and lots of other stuff

So, it’s been a while. Turns out that having a puppy means a lot less free time. Especially when you spend all that free time throwing a tennis ball. To be completely honest though, the biggest reason for my lack of blog posts is my lack of desire to be on my computer once I get home from work.

Needless to say, there’s a lot to catch up on. Brinkley is now around 65 pounds. I can open the door and he will go potty without me having to go watch. He sleeps in my bed, taking up most of it. Most importantly, he has found the love of his life- bacon.

Brandon and I were in line at Whataburger one afternoon when the cashier for the drive thru line saw Brinkley and Major in the backseat. She told us to hold on while she ran away. She came back with treats way more exciting than the dry but thoughtful treats Chickfila gives dogs. She came back with two juicy pieces of bacon. They were swallowed whole by the two dogs, but the taste remained in their mouths, making them lick their lips for over half an hour. It was no coincidence that the next time Brinkley saw the orange, vintage looking logo in the drive thru line he rolled down the backseat window attempting to order all the bacon they had. It was so hysterical that I couldn’t stop laughing which I’m sure convinced Whatburger that I was on crack.

Besides finding love, Brinkley has matured in a lot of other areas as well. He is usually very calm and happy unless he gets bursts of puppy in him where he runs around the house. He loves to chew bones and chase tennis balls. His favorite days are those spent at Wiggly Field- when we play fetch with floating toys in a big pond. He will swim for hours before collapsing. His disgusting and muddy self will then get in the backseat of the car and give me a look that only belongs in an SPCA commercial with “The Arms of am Angel” playing in the background. Proof found here:

Brinkley is now at the age where he can sit through movies. His favorite? Cowboys and Aliens. Let’s be honest, he’s been a Harrison Ford fan since he spent his puppyhood obsessing over Hans Solo. I’m not even kidding though. I have never seen a dog so into a movie. He couldn’t look away. He sat on the couch watching for a solid 30 minutes. And once his head got tired, he laid down but continued to watch. Not even Brandon and me laughing distracted him. What a grown dude.

While acting grown up, I have to often remind myself that he is still young and having a lot of firsts. His first Christmas was this week. I attempted to create his first Christmas card but Brinkley was being a Debby Downer. My idea was to wrap him in Christmas lights and have him pose in front of the tree. Ha. Turns out Christmas lights are another thing he is afraid of. They just made him pant, and try to run away- while being plugged into the wall. Failed pictures here:

He did enjoy lots of time with his Lady and Man (grandparents) during Christmas though. He was spoiled with two stockings filled with bones, toys and treats. While he was amused by the tissue paper, I was amused by the “My Golden Retriever is smarter than your honor student” bumper sticker and Brinkley mouse pad.

I guess it’s that time to take off his blingy, red and green jingle necklace and prepare for the New Year. Stay tuned to find out what Brinkley’s resolutions will be. I have a feeling he will stick to his much better than I do to mine.

More random photos:

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