Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Stay at Home Mom

This weekend I pretended to be a stay at home mom. I never got to have one, and I’m not too sure if I will ever become one, so this weekend was something rare.

My mom was a teacher so it was better than a busy business mom who worked 9-5 most days of the year. We had our long Christmas break and summer vacation and we always made the most of it. But she and I both missed her being able to come participate in Field Day or her being able to get laundry done during the day instead of her folding it, and me lying in the warm pile during the weekend.

I am now the business mom, whose puppy spends days in the crate. I still come home for lunch to let him out, feed him lunch and play, but our time is limited. My weekend plans revolve around things I can do with Brinkley around so that he and I can enjoy our weekends together.

This weekend, while we were at my parents, I was giving my mom a Pinterest tutorial. We were scrolling through ideas for decorating for her Thanksgiving parties when I remembered I had a recipe for homemade dog treats. When I found out my mom had all the ingredients I knew it had to be meant to be.

Stay at homes bake goodness regularly, and so on Sunday so did I. I slaved over the treats for a whole 15 minutes in the kitchen, the hardest part being having the patience to use the small cookie cutters until all the dough ran out.

Twenty minutes in the oven, 5 minutes for cooling later, Brinkley had some homemade loving in his mouth.  I even got really stay at home mommy when I had the idea of packing some up in a cute clear bag with ribbon for a friend of Brinkley’s.

I tell myself that Brinkley eats these slower so that he can savor the taste, but that would be lying. So I’ll say he devours these even faster than his puppy Cheetos.

For anyone curious on what these look like, or wanting the recipe, here it is. My brother even informed me that he would eat these as a healthy snack. Ha.

Brinkley 1 month and 3 months. 


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